A little slice of Heaven
Alright I’m back, and not really sure how I feel about the “lucky you” comment from Will but oh well. I thought that since beaches and my thing and scuba is Will’s that I would be the perfect person to write about Mui Ne. So as Will said we took a short train from Nha Trang to Mui Ne and of course that morning I woke up not feeling quite right. It was the first time I’d actually felt pretty sick on this whole trip. I ended up sleeping the whole train ride with a horrible stomach ache. When we arrived at our hotel in Mui Ne I was trying my hardest to feel better because we were at the beach but it just wasn’t working. After a quick dinner I went back to sleep to try and get rid of this stomach bug. Poor Will seemed so annoyed with me because he really wasn’t in the mood to take care of someone after our long day of traveling.
The next morning I woke up and felt a lot better but still a little weird so we headed to breakfast and then the beach. This place was absolutely beautiful. From the beach you looked out at amazing blue waters and to the left you saw tons of fishing boats and then to the right tons of kite boarders and wind surfers. Supposedly Mui Ne is the best place in Vietnam is for these kinds of water sports. As many of you know I could have laid on that beach all day, completely happy, but Will, like many other boys, was getting stir crazy and wanted to do an activity. We rented bikes and rode into town to have some lunch, which I can’t remember the last time I got on a bike, so I was a bit wobbly at first but then fine. After lunch Will was still determined to keep me away from the beach so we decided that we were going to go about 15km out of town and see the famous sand dunes. Thinking about riding my bike that far made me nauseous so Will had the, what he thought was genius, idea for us to rent a motorbike and have him drive us there. Alright as many of you have seen the videos about how people drive around here I shot the idea down immediately. I was in NO mood to be killed or seriously injured. I tried to reason with Will that maybe we could just hire two guys to drive us there, but at this point his mind was made and there was no turning back. I debated and debated (argued and argued) about how I thought it was a horrible idea, but in the end Will assured me that it would be fine. He kept claiming that he and Brandon rented motorbikes in San Miguel and that he knew what he was doing. So finally, I bravely hopped on the back of the motorbike and prayed for my safety.
We got the dunes and the little boys jumped out with these long pieces of plastic that they explained were for sand sledding. Looking up on the mountains of dunes and realizing I was in flip-flops, shorts, and a tank top, I immediately said I wasn’t sledding. Will on the other hand was very eager to try it out, so we trekked to the top with 3 little boys around the age of 11. You could tell we were getting some looks right and left since we were the only white people around and the only people over about 15 heading to the top. There were so many kids on these things. The dunes stretched for miles and there were tons of kids playing all over them. It was like their parents just drop them off there and pick them up a few hours later. What a great babysitter. Anyway we got to the top and one of the boys demonstrated how to use the sled. They had to dig in the sand and find some wet sand to put on the sled to weigh it down for speed. I couldn’t help but laugh watching these little guys dig. Sand was flying all around and they looked like little dogs trying to dig up its bone.
This blog is the coolest thing ever. I really like reading what both of you post (and I can imagine many exchanges that aren't posted). Keep up the hardcore traveling and I look forward to seeing you both when you get back.
that video is great, keep filming them but put more of kenny on there!!
I didn't realize that whole 'me love you long time' sterotype was real...(see photo above the video).
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