T Minus Two Weeks
Happy New Year and welcome to ThisTripWasAMistake.com—a blog chronicling our trip through South East Asia. I should first let everyone know that the blog’s name does not actually represent my feelings about the trip…yet. It was only selected because I thought it was funny, memorable, and the domain was available. Credit goes out to all those who helped in the name search and to Phildo who originally thought up the name.
We created this blog for a few reasons: First (1st), we thought it would be a fun way to keep all of our friends and family up-to-date on what we are doing on our trip. Hopefully, we will be able to post some good pictures, video, and funny stories that will keep you wanting to visit each morning to see what we have been doing while you were asleep. Second (2nd), we really just need a good way to pass time on 18 hour train rides, 15 hour plane flights, and 6 hour boat trips. We figured this would also be a good way to pass the time while also preserving some memories for later. And third (3rd), on the remote chance that someone who may be taking a similar trip stumbles upon our little blog, we hope they can use it as a resource in planning their journey.
Kendall will also be posting, which should provide both sides to every fight… I mean story. I think those “differences of opinion” will probably be what makes this blog fun to read.
Finally, I would ask that you make this interactive by commenting on our posts--if not to say how much you wish you were with us, to at least let us know what is going on back home. I am sure that your comments will provide us all with some good reading material as well.
First, when are you shaving your head? Is Kendall going to shave hers too? Are you going to get married on this trip and if so is she going to make you change your last name to Banowsky? How many fights do you think will end up in thrown punches? Have fun Ken and Wilma.
Will, I love this! I know MANY of us want to see the itinerary so we can vicariously live it. (And schedule our visit to you). Cindy B
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