Monday, January 15, 2007

D Day

Well, the day is finally here and our 5:05PM (now delayed to 5:50PM. I can't help but think that God may be sending me a message with this ice in Dallas. "The blog title says it all" keeps running through my head as if He put it there.) departure is approaching fast. Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone some last minute details before we head out.

  • I have made a few additions over on the right, including some interesting stats about the trip. They should be pretty self explanatory.
  • If anyone needs/wants to reach us, we will both have access to our email although it may be sporadic at times. We will also have a Vonage phone which you can call directly (see post below) and my cell phone will also forward to that number. Its quite unlikely that we will be hooked up when you try to call but leave a message and we will try to get back to you while you are not asleep. It should be noted however, that we might just be the best person in your phone book to drunk dial--2am in Austin = 1 - 3 pm in most of our destinations.
  • Comments so far have been pretty few and far between. I know, there hasn't been that much content on our side either but in order to up the ante I think we are going to hold a weekly contest. Three best comments will be posted in a poll. You vote for the #1. Winner will get a trinket from our current location. Everyone needs to keep an eye out for Smalley who will probably spend most of his days deleting cookies and re-voting in order to win a hat from Burma.
  • In case it hasn't been made absolutely clear--NO ONE IS GETTING ENGAGED/MARRIED ON THIS TRIP. Unless, of course I pick up a little Thai girl and Kenny comes home with a Burmese guy trying to get US citizenship.

That's all I have for now. Next post will be from on the road....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you guys have been watching LOST because I expect your plane will go down somewhere in the Pacific. Good luck. Also, this post is bound to win me a trinket since I'm sure no one else will bother to write.